Saturday, January 16, 2010

Therapeutic with Vitamins?

A large number of people do not take advantage of the benefits of Mother Nature’s harvest to help their body to heal and to protect it against diseases often times caused by microorganisms that constitute our everyday’s cheerless companions in this planet. Whereas the reasons for not taking advantage of these benefits may be a matter of choice or a lack the opportunity to certain individuals, for the most part it would be fair to confer this unfortunate reality to a lack of awareness.
Not many people know that with little help with vitamin intake whether as a supplement or natural through foodstuff, human body can fight certain diseases. Vitamin is an organic composite that a living being needs as a nutrient in a tiny amounts to perform metabolism. Generally, people use vitamins either in excess or too little to satisfy their needs.

An excerpt from an article published by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services on the “Effect of the Supplemental Use of Antioxidants Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Coenzyme Q10 for the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer states, “… the adequacy of the vitamin supply to cells and tissues influences the development, progress, and outcome of cancers. A major challenge to the integrity and function of cells and tissues is thought to come from the uncontrolled formation of free radicals. Free radicals may, alone or in combination, attack cell membranes and DNA. The body has evolved antioxidant defenses to protect against free radical-induced damage. It is postulated that the antioxidant vitamins E and C and coenzyme Q10 are potentially involved in these antioxidant defenses and that some diseases might be prevented by increasing intake of antioxidants, either through increasing the dietary intake of antioxidant-rich foods or taking antioxidant supplements. However, it should be noted that while free radicals have been implicated in over 100 human diseases, this implication does not constitute proof of their role in disease formation or that preventing the formation or function of free radicals can prevent or cure disease.” (Full article)

Today, extensive researches illustrate the uncontestable benefits of vitamins and a countless number of books that pinpoint where to find these vitamins are available in the market. For instance, Healing with Vitamins: The Most Effective Vitamin and Mineral Treatments for Everyday Health Problems and Serious Disease by the Editors of Prevention Health Books is an excellent day-to-day book that every household should have for quick reference. In Part-1, the book provides a description of vitamins and minerals (To include their daily value and sources) for their health benefits and in Part-2, their therapeutic prescriptions for healing. Some of the common conditions and diseases known to harm human being, which the book explains include but are not limited to cancer, heart diseases, overweight, diabetes…
Certainly, no one should fight any disease or condition just with vitamins alone specifically at a critical stage. However, it is clear that when used as preventive measure by eating appropriate food that rich in elements that the body needs, these nutrients should help the human body from predators, which may be undisruptive at first. Yet, when used in conjunction with contemporary medicine, these vitamins and minerals should also increase human body’s chances of healing.

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